The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Today I thought a lot about what I'm thankful for and while there are so many different things, one stood out. I'm thankful for nursery leaders who have no idea what an incredible service they are providing and what a lasting impact they are making on the most precious little people on earth. I'm thankful especially for a nursery leader who has made it her quest to love my Ayvri. I'm also thankful for the knowledge that in just a few short months my little screamer (Brig) will join the nursery and I'll be able to spend Sunday learning again instead of pacing the halls. This is truly an inspired program of the church!


Danielle said...

I know how you feel!! Tristan goes into nursery next week!! YAY! Sad I am not in your ward anymore!!

Holly said...

I really needed to read this post Toni! I have always said that I thought it was one of the most important callings in the church and I get somewhat frustrated when nursery leaders don't view it the same or they just looked at it as babysitting...or when they complain about it or act all exasperated. But then I got the call! And I've had such mixed feelings about it. As I've had time for it to soak in though, I've gotten more excited and this post just reminds me once again how important it is. Thanks friend!

Heath 'n Jeri said...

Tell should have gone into the nursery on Sunday. I'm just not ready. I know I'm bad, but hopefully after I get back from my vacation I will send him in there. Trace is in there and it will be fine for them, but me...oh my goodness. And Nursery leaders make the difference!

Nat said...

Hooray for nursery! It is so nice to finally go back to actually learning something during church!