The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Friday, July 20, 2012

Far-Off Friends

Our family had the unique opportunity to host a friend from Taiwan who came and stayed with us for almost three weeks this summer.  Ksenya got to attend a summer school program with her and it was such a cool thing for our whole family.
Meet Ariel.  She is ten and she is as sweet as can be!  She has one little brother so living with all eight of us was quite an adventure for her.  She was also excited about all the animals that she encountered living here.
We got to learn a few chinese words and customs.  She told us a lot of stories and asked a lot of questions.  It was so nice for us to be fortunate enough to get a student who spoke English exceptionally well.  We were able to communicate easily and that made it a lot of fun for us.
She wasn't a huge fan of our food - particularly all the sweets.  But she packed enough food to stay alive and we tried to find things she'd like.  Her favorite thing I think was the night we made eggrolls and I let them help with the rolling.  They kept wondering whey they call them egg rolls when there aren't any eggs in them?  Go figure.

She also liked riding the big yellow bus I think.  They had some fun at school and on their field trips and I'm thankful my kids had the opportunity to learn a little more about another culture and see how small the world is getting.  Now they can e-mail and skype and enjoy one another and who knows?  Maybe Ariel will come back for a visit!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Let Freedom Ring

What would Independence Day be without a parade?  Since we really like to get involved in the community we decided to do another float this year.  I was loving the balloon archway and the smaller trailer made it much easier to transport.  The kids were good sports and a BIG thanks to our runners :)
 Here is the cute little red/white/and blue herd all ready for the day.  Thank heavens the tutu's fit from last year.  Even the little Lovely found some stars and stripes to wear.
And then there's the food.  We made pretty fruit skewers which Darlin' loved and ended up wearing (sadly, this little white dress is now a little pink dress).
We got to play with cousins at a barbeque.  Darla liked following Abel around and bossing him around.
Can't believe how big my big girly is looking.  She got to be the flag lady on the float (Betsy Ross) and was very happy to change back into her jeans after.  The kids had a big water balloon party on the lawn after the parade while we waited for the Lions (Daddy's) to get home from the park for our bbq.
Happy 4th of July!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

That Sam-I-Am

Stinkerbelle is learning to read.  Just yesterday she 'read' me Green Eggs and Ham.  She's smart and when she wants to focus she is getting really good at sounding out words.  The problem is she's also a great faker and likes to 'read' books that she's already memorized.  

She's such a sweetheart and is always trying to be a big girl but she still plays like a little one and loves to cuddle as always.  She's loving the independence of riding her bike around the neighborhood and even loves to help the bigger kids with their egg deliveries.  If only I could keep her little forever.

Big T - as in Trouble

Brigham has hit an interesting age.  We were sure that Kabe was our strong-willed child, so this one threw us for a loop.  Lately when Brigham is asked to do something he doesn't want to do, he really plants his feet in the non-compliant camp and is hard to budge.  He'll scream and yell and cry and fall asleep and then wake up and cry some more.  
Another interesting and unexpected turn has been his violent streak.  If he is being a pill and I get mad, he just laughs like that's what he wanted.  If I don't get mad then he turns angry and tries as hard as he can to hurt me.  This is problematic since the boy is built like a bull and strong as an ox.  He's almost too big for me to pick up if he's flailing and he knows it.
Still, with all his bull-headed-ness, he's a great kid and I love him.  His smile and dimples really still keep me melted.  Poor little guy must have drunk some creek water on our camping trip because he's had some serious digestive trauma, but even when he's feeling crappy he's such a sweetheart.  

We love our Big Rig.

Silly Sisters

These two little girls are so funny.  Darla loves to play with her sister and love on her.  Leisl is sweet and calm and doesn't seem to mind all the attention, even when her sister gets pretty close (as in, right on top).  
 I love that they have a buddy and am so thankful that we have both the girls - such a good plan :)
What beautiful girls.  

Big Bad Birthday Girl

Can you believe that you are NINE?  
My Beautiful Daughter,  you are such a joy and a blessing to our family.  You have been such a great helper keeping our family on track with the "Real Food Challenge" that we've been doing together.  For your birthday you really wanted cake, but you were determined to make it good for you.  We found a recipe for black bean cake (no sugar, no flour) and you were such a good sport.  
You had lots of ideas for birthday adventures.  You wanted to go to Tuacahn and see Hairspray, or the Mormon Miracle Pageant in Manti, or to go to the Aquatic Center, or to go camping.  All of these either cost too much, took too much time or just didn't fit into our schedule.  You were so grateful and sweet though and kept hunting for an adventure that would fit our schedule.  We ended up having a sleepover and it was quite the party.

I'm so proud of the beautiful young lady you're becoming.  You are always the first to help out with the littler kids and are great about keeping things going.  Today during church you leaned over to remind me nicely to stop picking my fingernails.  I call you our "Little Mama" because you try so hard to take care of all of us.

We love you and are so thankful that you were born into our family! Happy Birthday Baby Girl.


For Ksenya's birthday adventure she decided she really wanted to have a sleepover party.  Thank heavens we have some cousins here close who's parents just had to leave town for the night.  It was quite the party and went off without so much as a temper tantrum.  
In the boys room we had five cowboys.  Kabe and Gid shared the top bunk, Brig and Tell on the bottom bunk and Trace - bless his heart, took the floor without any complaint (and I'm thrilled to say not one wet bed in the mix).  

In the girls room we had Kodi and Ksenya in the top bunk, Ayvri on bottom and Darla on the floor.  Leisl of course stayed in her crib and all 10 of them slept like little bears in a cave and even slept in a little the next morning.  What a fun adventure.

Wii Play!

Kabe has wanted a new game for the Wii for a LONG time.  He has been delivering eggs to earn money and saving diligently for weeks.  He finally saved enough to go and buy the game and so he and Daddy went shopping and found just what he's been saving for.
Since he bought the game it's been the very best incentive to get him to practice his piano.  If he practices then he can play the Wii and it's working like a charm.  Not only is he enjoying the fruit of his labors, but he's getting really good at the piano too.
He's also very good about sharing his new game with his siblings.  He's even started charging his own batteries.  What a good boy.

Tin Green

It finally happened.  The big girly got what she's been waiting for and this is her before picture.  Don't mind the angle that makes it look like her whole face is teeth.  The gap in her front teeth had gotten quite substantial but everything is spreading beautifully.
And this is her happy after picture.  She was so happy and excited to finally have elastics and get to pick her own color and everything.  She was a little bit sore, but handled it like a trooper and has adjusted to the new metal mouth quite nicely.  She is diligent about brushing too which is nice to Mom to not have to worry too much about her teeth rotting out under the brackets.
I can't believe my baby girl is big enough to have braces, but so thankful that there is this technology so she can have a smile she's not shy about.  What a beautiful girl!

Lovely Little One

Leisl is such a wonderful baby!  She is calm and sweet, smiley and content 95% of the time.  She loves to stretch and kick and move and babble.
I love to watch her sleep - there's something so perfectly perfect about a sleeping baby.  She can sleep almost anywhere (including the shore of the lake).  
 Her eyes are still very blue and her hair is still very fuzzy.  She got her first little sunshine this weekend and her cheeks are rosey and beautiful.
She smiles all the time and is always happy to see her Mommy (and pretty much everyone else too).  
How we love our little Loveliest Baby.