The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Don't be a weird herald

My Dad is famous for making up silly songs. The latest and greatest was entitled "Don't be a weird herald". This picture is just what he was talking about:The other night when Ksenya and Daddy were gone, my littles were being as wacky as they could be. I, of course, played the responsible parent and photographed the mayhem.
Lots of wrestling happened. This is the Big T's favorite sport as of late and he's constantly tackling anyone that gets in his way. Usually Kabe can hold his own but you can tell by the look on Ayvri's face that she's wishing she wasn't stuck in the middle.
Darla really enjoyed being a spectator. Trivia - the girly has a butt-shaped tongue. Seriously - most kids have a pointy tongue, but not this one. It's hilarious and soon I'm going to photo-document it really well and do a whole post on it (unless I forget).
Sure am glad that my little weird herald's love each other almost all the time, at least whenever they're not trying to kill each other.

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