The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Kabe's a Tweenager

What in the world?  My Kabey-Baby is a tweenager?  He was so "cool" about his birthday.  At one point when we changed plans, yet again, to accomodate our crazy schedule he said, "Mom, you know what's hardest about having a birthday?  Making all the decisions - you can make the rest today ok?"  What a sweetheart.  
He wanted a checkerboard cake - too bad I didn't take a picture of the inside of it where it was a checkerboard.  

Kabe is such a GOOD person - always trying to help me out or make me feel loved.  He is a tender, smart, capable boy and I'm so glad to be his mom.

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