The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Our New Digs

Daddy got the special job of finding us a car and a house by himself.  Good thing I trust him - he did a fantastic job and picked out the perfect things for us.

This vehicle is awesome!  It actually has 9 seat belts, which pretty much seals the deal that I'll be pregnant in another month but hey - for at least a year we'll be legal beagle.

This is our very PINK house.  Yes - it's much pinker than it looks in the pictures.  It's comfy and in a lovely neighborhood full of kids and very close to the kids' schools.  

In honor of our arrival in Alaska it snowed.  Enough that we could build this gigantic snow man and got cold enough that my fresh-from-the-shower hair froze when I took the dog out.  As in - froze solid to my head like a helmet.  


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