The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Monday, March 11, 2013

Christmas 2012

We did have Christmas this year - although it was very brief and filled with a lot of work work work projects.  Tyler and I both felt like we kind of missed having Christmas with the kids because almost every one of our traditions was put on hold this year as we worked diligently to finish the house and the kids spent most of the holiday with Grandma.  Still, they did draw names for each other and did work diligently to make each other gifts.  Kabe was so thoughtful of Ksenya and made her some cool frames for holding her jewelry.  Ayvri made Kabe a chess set.  We do so love Christmas and this year wasn't as spoiled rotten as last year so we made progress in the gift department.  The best present came about a month after Christmas when we celebrated moving day!

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