The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Monday, March 26, 2012

Focus on the positive

These two are the sunshine of my day - they are literally the happiest kids ever. They love to play together and if I say 'no' most of the time they just smile and find something else to do. They are silly and giggle and laugh and enjoy each other completely. I love that they are good buddies and that they can entertain each other so well, and help me so much.They both love their little sisters and are always willing to do things when I ask them to. I worry about Brig when Ayvri goes to school, but it will be good for him to be the biggest at home too. They love to ride their bikes and read books and cuddle on the couch together and they posed themselves like this without any help from me.
Of course, this is what it looked like when we zoom out - but hey, we can't always get along right? Let's focus on the positive and not worry about the rest :) After all, being a Mom can't all be smiles and laughter, but those smiles certainly compensate for the screaming.

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