The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tough guy

Brigham has changed so much over the last few months. He's grown out of his 3T clothes now and is really quite a husky little guy. He still has the most charming little dimples ever and does the funniest things. He says cute phrases like the other day while playing peek-a-boo with Darla he put the blanket over his head and said, "Where is I?" He was wrestling with Ayvri and she was on top and he said, "you're getting on my nerd!" What a funny boy.
Brigham has been very patient lately but has probably been the one most affected by Mom being at work all morning. He is so happy when I come home and wants to be my little side-kick all the time. He is a smart little boy and always wants to be read to. He thinks he's very big stuff and I've had to stop him several times as he tries to carry his baby sister around. He came with me for our ultrasound appointment and when I told him the picture was of the baby he looked at it and said, "Dat's not a baybe!!?" It made me laugh so hard. He has required a lot of help with finishing his food lately and I think it's just that he wants the attention. He's a mostly happy child and knows when he starts a fit to head to his room.

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