The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Like Weeds

Oh how my littles are growing - not so little as they once were.
This big girly is a wonder - so very helpful and still beautiful as ever even in her "awkward" stage of losing teeth. Right before I took this picture she said, "Mom! My hair! I haven't combed it yet!" Such a sweetheart and always ALWAYS trying.
Our man-cub has become quite the big man on campus. Ok, so he's not big and probably never will be but personality more than makes up for size in this guy. His teacher told me he is always helping others, saying intelligent things and making mature choices (no kidding, I about passed out when she said it). He makes me laugh and I can't imagine life without him.
The princess Diva is queen of the chatterboxes and seriously NEVER stops talking. She talks herself to sleep and takes twice or three times as long as everyone else to eat because she can't get a bite in between words. Her hair always looks wild no matter how hard I try to keep it combed so I've decided it's her signature look. She is funny funny funny and almost 4!
Big Rig is now really and truly potty trained. I can't believe it considering how inconsistent his Mommy has been but he's made it through church twice and is even dry at night (still wearing diapers just in case though). When he needs to go he says, "Mommy, Pahee Baaa" (potty bad). I don't know why it's always bad, but it's darling. Then when he's done he says, "I Duunnnnnn" He's talking up a storm too and getting more words every day. He is a teasermagoo and laughs at himself all the time.
The little Darlin' is growing so much. She rolls from front to back and has become a jabberwok - always crowing and cooing and squeaking and squirming. She smiles every time she looks at anyone and is happy unless she's hungry or messy. I can't believe she is three months already and she's such a sweet and beautiful baby.


Jan'l said...

Oh! I just wanna kiss every single one of those sweeties. I miss you guys so much ;( and I haven't even got to hold that little Darla and she is 3 months already. so sad ;( Give em kisses from auntie!

Heath 'n Jeri said...

You obviously don't spend the proper amount of time sitting on your littles, there by keeping them little. :) Please don't forget.