The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Time Out!

Well, the little diva has gotten a little mean these days. The other day I found her sitting on top of Kabe slapping him after having bitten a hole in his stomach (at least it left quite a mark). I don't know where she got this violent streak, but it landed her in her first time-out the other day. This is her, sitting in time-out looking completely dejected. Poor little dear is also cutting her eye-teeth and so has been very clingy the last few days, following me around and practically glued to my leg. She sure is growing though and thinks she's pretty big stuff. Tonight while working in the yard she climbed into the wagon and sat there waiting for the other kids to pull her around. It didn't take long for them to get the idea and she was hauled around the yard for quite a while. What a darling spoiled baby!


Sara said...

Time out :( sooo not cool, but I guess neither is slapping or biting? She is just soooo darn adorable!

Oveson's said...

I love that you caught it in photo!! She is so cute even when she is in trouble :D

Anonymous said...

Such a sad face! But still such a cutie!! I love it! Time outs are hard...but hey, she'll get over it! hehe

April said...

It's hard to discipline when they're that cute. It's funny how it doesn't take long for each child to figure out their role. Glad your older ones were accommodating:)

Niki said...

So I hear all kids go through the biting thing. Maybe you should count yourself lucky that hers is coming before all her teeth do?!? Just trying to find the silver lining!