Isn't he handsome? He's huge and I often get asked if he and Ayvri are twins. Still, I love this big huge boy and he has a way of making everyone around him happy and getting just exactly what he wants. The other day he did the funniest thing. I heard him start to whine a little and when I found him he was sitting on the floor holding his foot in his hands. I thought maybe there was something stuck to his foot or he stubbed his toe. Upon further investigation I realized he was trying to pull his webbed toes apart and was very distressed that they wouldn't cooperate. It's been bugging him off and on for a few days and he keeps trying to pull them apart. Funny that he didn't notice them until just now but hopefully he'll adjust soon.

The big stuff is officially two! Yep, my baby boy had his birthday and all he wanted was marshmallows. I took him to the grocery store and let him point (he's not the best communicator with words yet) and the only thing he wanted was this bag of colored marshmallows. When I pulled them off the shelf he hugged them and wouldn't let go and bit all the corners off before we got home.

He loves to do whatever Daddy is doing and cries every time Tyler leaves the house without him. He especially loves that we have two fly swatters and follows Tyler around smacking the window with his flyswatter over and over and laughing. It's adorable - albeit a little gross.
1 comment:
Oh! I wanna kiss those cheeks.. love that Brig!
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