The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lego Time

When I was little I remember long days playing lego's with my brothers. We'd get up early on Saturday mornings and pull out all of their blocks and start sorting and organizing and building and then after lunch we'd have massive "wars". It was a huge part of my childhood and a memory that I really treasure. It was something we kids all did together and I loved it. So it seemed perfectly crazy when my brother pulled all his old lego's out Sunday after dinner. We had 9 small children and my first thought was, "no way! There are going to be toys everywhere, someone's going to swallow something, this is a bad idea." I couldn't have been more wrong.
All 9 children and 5 adults played for a good hour and half with all the little parts and we had a ball. There were kids sitting on the table and all of them were happy campers. I laughed as I listened to Aimee and Heath (my older siblings) discuss their tactics and their teams just like they did when we were little. I only wish that Seth had been there to join in the fun. Thanks Heath, for reminding me that I can still be a kid even though I'm the Mom and for daring to pull out that many small pieces for that many small children - we should do it again, soon!

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