The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Princess of the Double Chin

Darla's face really is changing a lot. I love her double chin and kissing her little neck. I was looking at pictures of the girls as babies and she looks a lot more like Ksenya that I had remembered - but the nose is Tyler's nose (the same one Ayvri got). She is such a sweet baby and has slept through the night 4 times now. I've figured out that she really doesn't like to get cold so I put a little heater in her room and when it's like an oven in there she is as happy as a cricket. She just grew out of her newborn diapers and I think she's in a little growth spurt because for the last 2 days she wants to eat every 2 hours. So thankful she's a healthy baby!

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