In order to make our grown up decisions we took an expedition to the North West to visit a few cities and meet a few Doctors. In no particular order these are my favorite pictures from our traveling.

This was our hotel room for one night - you can see all of it but the bathroom - literally, it was tiny but adequate and like a big party the whole time we were there. I loved that all 6 of my honey's were sleeping at once, after I took the picture I joined them and the snoring abounded.

Lots of sleeping for the little Darlin' - she was an all-star traveler and went more places in her first 2 weeks of life than I did in my first 14 years. She also grew even though I have begged her not to and is getting to be a little chubby.

I always laugh at the contortions my kids go through to sleep in the car. Ayvri almost always sleeps with her mouth open.

We visited the great state of Washington - I enjoyed the orchards and all the wonderful fruit . . . my new favorite flavor? Pear!!!!

Happy campers all buckled up. I can't believe we fill the van now - no empty seats. When we bought it I thought it was so spacious and now I have to squeeze between the middle seats if I'm on kid control duty.

More happy faces - I'm so thankful for how well my kids travel and how patient they were with us and all our driving around and adult conversations.

Oregon - the part we visited at least, wasn't impressive. Lots of yellow hills and not a whole lot of anything else. Still, did you know that it's illegal to pump your own gas in Oregon? That's a definite perk - that and the no sales tax makes me think happy thoughts.

Daddy loves to travel - the driving is his favorite part! Seriously though - he is an amazing guy who has traveled more in the last 4 months than I can even believe! On this trip he drove the whole time with a severely damaged ankle (x-rays have now finally confirmed it's not broken). What a sweetie!

About 4 hours into the trip the kids were struggling and had to be chastised. Apparently they didn't think it was fair for them to have to drive that far (little did they know how much car time we'd have in the following week). They staged a formal protest by hiding under the blankets. Brigham was oblivious to the whole thing - he's mostly content as long as I'm feeding him or if he has a pair of socks to play with and a tractor out his window to stare at.

Idaho was a beautiful place - much more than I expected. I really loved the rivers and the agriculture and the people that we met there give me hope for a bright future (yep, we are headed to Idaho ladies and gentlemen . . . this is our informal announcement - details forthcoming).

And finally back to our great state. There's something wonderful about Utah - something that will probably always feel like home. It was fun to point out the temples along our trip and enjoy the changing leaves on our way home. All in all, a great road trip adventure!
Wow! You did all of that with five kids and a two week old baby?! Impressive! I can't wait to hear the details on Idaho. Congratulations!
AWESOME, we are excited to see ya'll here in ID soon. Your family will love it. Let us know if you need anything.
Come to Idaho, you would love it here!
I did not know you where here in the NW. We live in Portland, OR. You guys could have stayed we us. If you need to come back this way please don't hesitate to call me 757-753-3111. You are more than welcome to come stay in our house. We have plenty of space. The kids are so big. You have a beautiful family.
Mom said you guys are headed to Idaho. I am excited for you, what a great opportunity. but sad for me! we have really enjoyed having you in Cedar every time we come down. love love hanging out with you and will miss you so much! hope you still come down this way often and that someday you will move back.. love you!
I loved my time in Idaho. The people are down-to-earth and will dig you out of snow banks with a smile. Also, I found that Grandma was right about those handsome Idaho "spuds" :)
Looking forward to hearing the details, but it looks like you all deserve a long nap after such traveling with so many energetic bodies into one car!
Wow it looks like you guys had quite the whirlwind adventure! You are so brave taking five kiddos with you! I don't know if I could make that trip with just my one! I'm glad you had a great time :)
how exciting to know where you'll be. can't wait for all the fun updates!
I'm so excited for you!!! Idaho was great once I got over missing utah!!! I miss that place!! Congrats and best of luck to you guys!!! Love Shana Lynn
Loving baby Darla.. such a pretty baby.. I wish I could meet her. :( I miss you guys! Brig looks so big with his new hairdo. You have been a busy girl.. keep us posted with your new place in Idahooooo. Love you
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