I have not been good about taking maternity pictures this baby and decided we'd better get a decent shot before delivery happens (whenever that will be). At 38 1/2 weeks I'm measuring and weighing in much smaller than I did with Brig - this baby feels more Ayvri sized to me.

Side-note . . . I love that no matter how big I get Tyler is still "bigger". What an attractive couple. It seems like a blink since we became Mr. and Mrs. and yet - 5 kids later, being married to him is still heaven on earth. I'm so thankful for the perspective that this summer has given us and so SO thankful that it's over! I really am thankful for this baby and how knowing it's our last makes me appreciate it more. I'm not in a huge hurry to get it over with yet, but who knows? Maybe my next post will come in blue or pink!
You are tiny! Good luck with everything!
Knowing Reese is our last baby has made all of those firsts (first smile, etc...) kind of bittersweet. They are the last firsts. I hope that makes sense. I am still sleep deprived! But you're right. You appreciate everything more knowing it is the last time.
It sure is liberating to get rid of the maternity clothes, though! It's also nice to not have to hang onto the baby clothes he's already outgrown! But, there were a few things I just couldn't part with!! :)
Wishing you a smooth labor and delivery =) I'm sad we didn't get to talk very much during your visit, but I'm glad I got to see you again! You look great!
You look amazing! I'm so glad that Tyler is back. I'll be hoping for blue or pink then.
Yay for pink! So glad your baby girl is here and you are doing well. Can't wait for pictures (but totally understand if it takes several weeks or months). Love you.
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