The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Twenty Nine Things

This is what 29 candles looks like. Tyler decided it was necessary. Maybe not, but funny.

This year for my birthday I decided I would try President Monson's idea. I thought it would be wonderful if I could do 29 nice things that day for other people, things out of the ordinary every-day things (as in, laundry doesn't count). Honestly it was harder than I expected and I lacked the energy to do them all in one day - so I spread it out over 4 days.

It was so fun! I think we'll make it a tradition for the kids, 5 or 6 nice things in one day seems a lot less daunting than 29, and I can't imagine when I'm 70! Still, it was a good experience for me, and also for the kiddos who had fun helping make the list and do some of the things.


Heath 'n Jeri said...

Wait! You had a birthday? You turned 29? YOU ARE OLD!!!! (love ya) What a fun tradition to have!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! You have a hard time going out of your way to do extra nice things because your whole world is already about doing nice things and service for others. And we appreciate it!!! Congrats on everything new and exciting and on this next chapter in your life. I am excited to follow the petersen story and see where it leads. And I'll miss you so much!

Niki said...

Great tradition, add another item to steal to my list.