The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Take me out to the Ball-Game

I can't believe my baby boy is old enough to play sports! We decided Kabe needed an outlet and so he started T-ball and I'm so glad. Watching him play has been so fun for our whole family!He's absolutely adorable and looks so little out on that big field, especially when he's wearing that big batting helmet. He's really getting into the game and when he's not playing in the dirt (he loves the dirt on the field) he's actually pretty coordinated.

During his very first game he got a hit off of a pitch (they let them try 3 pitches before they bring out the T). I'm learning that being Mom of "big" kids is every bit as fun as all the baby stages. We love you Kabe-man!


Heath 'n Jeri said...

Oh my goodness! This looks like a blast!! Yes, he does look very very grown up in that uniform. Go Kabe!!

Meli O. said...

So super cute!! I will say I am not the biggest baseball fan but I think that little boys and baseball just go together so well...what a cutie!!

Niki said...

How fun! Trudy's girls are in softball right now and it has become the way to spend a saturday, watching games. I totally get what you are saying, it is so fun!