The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


These kids love books! Lots of our school time is devoted to reading, being read to and reading to each other. Of course Brig has to get in on the action and is developing his cheesy smile.
I love that Ksenya has finally taken off in the reading department and is always reading something. She has to be pretty quick or Kabe will fill in words for her which she hates.
Kabe will also read to Ayvri and has such good inflection when he's reading it's very entertaining. He guesses a lot but also has great decoding skills. Of course Ayvri loves to be read to but also loves to "read" to her babies and every story inevitably turns into a musical.


jackson said...

OH , I love your kids! Absolutely darling little kids.
Will be so happy to see you in May!
love you
Gramma Horse

Heath 'n Jeri said...

Storytime is the greatest! I'm also glad that Ksenya has decided she loves to read again.