The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


We found out this morning - Tyler will spend 2 months in Mexico City practicing as an intern there for his final trimester of grad school. We are excited at this opportunity and a little apprehensive about all the changes that are coming. He will move me and the kids to live with my parents for the summer at the end of May and then head to Mexico until August. Then the baby will come at the beginning of September and we'll start putting together our new life.

Congratulations Tyler, you're my hero!


Brandi said...

Awww...I'm so jealous! Very cool about the Mexico thing, but I am so very sorry that you'll have to be apart for so long. Especially when you're preggers. You guys are MY heros. I don't know how you do the things that you do.

Laurel said...

Your new life in UTAH!!??

Heath 'n Jeri said...

Oh Sister, I am so glad that he will have this opportunity and won't have to stress about how to meet all of those crazy requirements. With that said, I'm so sorry that you will have to be apart from each other. I know that it will be hard for both of you. We sure love you guys!

julie said...

I ain't going to lie, I'm going to miss you!!!
What are we going to do with out you?
don't tell Rudy, he will die for sure!

Sara said...

First off, your kids are soooo stinkin' beautiful!!! GORGEOUS!!!

Congrats on the new addition (if I haven't mentioned that already).

Tyler will have a very nice experience in Mexico, I am sure. It amazes me what a different place it is down there. Although, I am sure he will be desperately missed.

That is a great idea for birthdays! I will have to try it out.

Oh, and I am still on the floor laughing about Kabe peeing on the fence!

mom o said...

Toni you are awesome! I love your posts! The best of all, welcome home!!!!!!

{leah} said...

Yeah!!! I'm glad that you are finshing up! {the husband is in second quarter at Palmer, so we have a ways to go.} it's nice to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!


Niki said...

Horray! Does this new life in September mean that it will take place in Utah??? Also, I have been sloughful in my blogging, I didn't even know you are preggers...when are you due? Ours is June, our little ones are lining up quite well I must say! Good luck Tyler in Mexico! What an adventure, call John when you need to know what to take for the somach problems :)