The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Saturday, February 20, 2010

In Mama's Shoes

This morning Ksenya spent a little time by herself in the kitchen. Then she called her Daddy (all by herself) and told him that she had done the dishes for Mom. Then she came and found Mom and led me to the kitchen where she had really done the dishes (as in, done right!) and she had reorganized some of my cupboards. She's so capable that soon I fear I'll be redundant around here!


Nat said...

Way to go Ksenya!

Heath 'n Jeri said...

Good Job Girly! And my dear sister, no matter what excellent things the girly does for you, you shall never be redundant!

Nat said...

Where's your "Coming soon..." post? I was excited to read that!

Sara said...

I can't see the comming soon post either!!! Better get on that ;) we can only hold out sooooo long! CONGRATS!