The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Monday, March 11, 2013

Being Mommy

Last weekend I went "away".  For 29 hours I wasn't with my kids or my husband.  I learned a lot, one of the most impressive lessons of the weekend was this:

I like being the one that wakes them up in the morning, the one that helps them get dressed.  I like making their breakfast and washing their dirty faces.  I enjoy telling them goodbye as they march out the door and hugging them hello when they march back in.  
I love being the one they share their excitement with, and treasure being the one they share their disappointment with.  It is hard being the one to watch them make poor choices and then love them as they suffer the consequences of those choices.  I love the bedtime snuggles, kisses and endless questions.
I love being the one that turns off their lights when they're asleep and thanks Heavenly Father for the thousandth time in a day for sending them to me.  Being Mommy is the hardest job ever, it's also the best and for my next birthday I think I'll stay here and enjoy every mediocre "same-old" moment of my ever-too-quickly fleeting Mommyhood.

Side-note.  On my birthday the kids were guessing how old I am.  Brig is determined that I'm 39.  I guess for 39 I feel pretty good!  When I got home from my weekend I was literally attacked with affection from all of them.  They had decorated my bed with drawings and "presents" and were so sweet and cute.  What a blessed Mommy I am (and the Daddy had dinner on the table when I got here and spent the evening just talking with me, the best part yet.  As much as I love being a Mom, I love being his wife even more - it's a lot easier too).

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