The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Random Summer

Here are just a few things this summer has included:
Pancakes.  Lots of pancakes and family meals.

The Sr. and Jr. Helpers club.  This didn't last very long, but it was fun for a while and they practiced working together. 

Cub scout Day camp and the only picture I got was of Darla.  Go figure.  She had such a fun time with her special friend Ridge who is a cool enough kid to allow her to tag along with him and do everything he did for the entire camp.

A midnight rock party with Noah.  Yes, this picture was taken at midnight when Noah woke in the middle of the night when Daddy wasn't home.  I was too much of a softie to make him go right to bed (heck, I wasn't sleeping either) so we took a little walk to enjoy the midnight sun.

We finally found what locals call the "A-moose-ment park"

Lots of packages from Aunt Jeri - we are so very spoiled and she is definitely one cool kid!
Moose watching.  It's harder to see them in the summer so each time we did we'd get as close as safely possible and just park and watch for a while.
The Bear Paw festival in Eagle River - so much yummy smelling food and a LOT of people. 
More park time.

Selfies, selfies and more selfies.  Occasionally I joined in.
Ayvri got a pretty pink guitar and it came damaged so she got a replacement.  Before we sent it back she and her buddy got together to "jam".

Cup stacking (and then tower crashing).  Who knew a package of plastic cups could be so entertaining.  
I decided to get back on schedule of donating blood regularly.  I know, I'm super brave.
Lots of library trips.  Noah especially likes the kiddy computer and he's so stinking cute with those headphones on.
More selfies - don't say I didn't warn you :)

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