Queen bee lost two teeth in the same night. She said her tooth was ready and after a little wiggling I agreed. I told her to count to 10 and out it came. Then just out of curiosity I wiggled the one next to it. After another count to 10 the girly had two money makers. This tooth fairy gig is expensive. She makes me laugh. Even though we've discussed the reality of the tooth fairy she likes to play the game and go through the whole routine - hide the tooth, pretend to be surprised when she finds money in the morning, but then each morning after she asks to see her teeth and asks where I'm keeping them all. She's so mature. See look . . .
Oh dear - not this yet. Please? Heaven help us. The beauty can be a beast too. And I don't even want to think about the orthodontia this kid is going to need. How we love our "big" girl.
This picture made me smile all the way inside. She really has a very tender head so during spring break I didn't make her get her hair done every morning. She just looks so natural and happy and I just want to hold her and not let her grow anymore. What a wonderful kid!
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