While on our adventure across the North-West we decided to take a day and visit the town where Tyler grew up. It was exactly like I had heard and yet very much different from what I had expected.

We visited Tumwater canyon campground - one of Ty's favorite places. It was absolutely beautiful! I was blown away by all the trees, the beautiful clear waters and the towering mountains. I love mountains and these didn't disappoint at all. Tyler and the kids tried counting all the varieties of evergreen trees we found but we couldn't keep track. They also liked watching the chipmunks throw things out of the tops of the Ponderosa's.

I laughed when I saw this picture - every time I made Tyler hold the camera he would take my picture (his way of making me want to carry it I think). This made me laugh because my nose is so pink - obviously I'm not used to the chilly mountain mornings.

I was charmed by all the covered bridges we drove over - they are across nearly every river and I think they're fascinating.

The town itself is amazing and unique. The whole thing is Bavarian themed and all the architecture lives up to the standard. Even the golf course matched the town and we saw little droppings on the sidewalk. I asked the kid what kind of poop they thought it was and we all took a guess, then Tyler said, "Well, I think it's mountain goat poop." That was the most random thing to say so I asked him why he would think that and he said, "Because the mountain goat is sitting right there." Sure enough there was a mountain goat ON the golf course (as part of the scenery). So funny!

Then we went to the icicle river and played near blackbird island. This is where Tyler would go to play after school and he and his siblings have SO many stories about this place. The kids and their Daddy enjoyed playing in the water while I held the baby and enjoyed the sunshine. Finally I decided I would join in - holy cow was that water COLD! There's a reason it's named what it is and I only lasted up to my ankles for 5 minutes. Then I watched my crazy husband drag our two big "K's" clear across with the water up to his thighs (which means it was up to their necks) . . . screaming in delight the whole time.

I love to watch them play together from behind. They are so cute and ended up very tired, dirty and wet, but pretty happy too. It was nice to take a day to just relax and not worry about all the decisions we have to make.

This is the bridge over the river that Tyler and his brother would jump off of. When I saw it I about died - it's very high over the river and there are logs in the river that look very intimidating. Tyler thought it was funny to spit over the edge into the water but my fear of heights overruled their fun and we didn't stay up there very long.
What fun to see his old stomping grounds and to let him play tour guide for our family. We got a tiny hotel room with one little queen bed and all of us crowded into that room for all our eating and sleeping. It was such a party and I enjoyed the close proximity to my herd.

I'm loving the update! all the pictures of leavenworth bring back so many memories!
How fun. It looks like Leavenworth was a cool place to grow up.
Wow! I sure miss that place. Thanks for all the photos.. good memories there. I am so glad you got to see it. Looks like you guys had a great time. Next time I am coming with you :)
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