The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Where do they get it?

There's always much debate about who looks like whom and which kid gets which trait from which parent. This is a great study in just such a discussion, for example:He comes from a long line of cowboys who apparently like their belt buckles snug and their top buttons done up (despite protests from Mom). He gets his sense of independence from his Daddy and his tendency to whine from his mother.She likes to tell everyone she got her nose from her Mama and her eyes from her Daddy. Where she got this underbite we'll never know, but I think they should pay for the orthodontics when the time comes!This one is easily summed up - she got just about everything in her looks from her Daddy, and her personality from her Mama, it's a winning combination.
But this one - where did this one come from? Must have been straight from heaven (even with his ornery face on I think he's adorable).


Unknown said...

I love Brig's hair! Such adorable kiddos!!!

jackson said...

such cute kids. a combination of both you and tyler. However, Kabe is Heath's clone. so mischievous and you can see it in both of their eyes!
Love those kids. Had so much fun yesterday, thanks for coming and thanks for the yummy cake, I know, you left me a piece, but Jim claimed it as his own and I got a couple of bites! fun memories.

Holly said...

Love this post! Love my Petersen's and miss y'all like crazy!! Give all 4 of those cuties big hugs and kisses from us!! Love you!