Kabe had his last T-ball game just 2 days before we moved. He got to wear his cowboy boots because all his other shoes accidentally got loaded into the truck. He also got to play catcher again (he's so adorable in all that gear and looks so little out there). He was pretty happy he got 2 runners out and got a pretty good hit too. It has been so fun watching him play. The game before he got to play a girls team. He was catcher and the runner was coming into home and I (not at all competitive) screamed "TAG HER KABE!" He looked at me a little concerned and then gently touched her on the shoulder with the ball. What a little gentleman!
This looks like so much fun! I can't wait 'til my boys are old enough for something like this. Go Kabe Go!
Wow, they get all serious about T-Ball in Texas. It's pretty much treated like a joke here. The kids don't even get a real diamond. They set up fake bases on a soccer field and if they show up in baseball pants and cleats (however you spell it), they're the odd man out. Machine pitch on the other hand.....(which is what Taylor and Nathan are in now) is serious business. It's funny to see the difference just one year makes to the people who run our parks and recreation.
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