The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Monday, February 15, 2010

Too pooped to poop!

Ayvri struggles being independent with her bathroom time. I got her on the toilet and told her to call to me when she was done. In true Mommy fashion I got busy washing the dishes and didn't realize she was still in there until probably 10 minutes later (she's always doing her own thing so it didn't feel unusual). When I realized where she was I called to her with no reply. Thinking she must have finished by herself and gone to play I went to turn off the bathroom light and found her like this. Seriously, the girl can sleep anywhere!


Laurel said...

What I want to know is how you can decorate with a pretty picture on the back of your toilet and your sons don't dip it in pee twice a day? What am I doing so wrong? Is it too much to ask that I be able to put fake flowers in a vase on the counter and not have them used as bowl brushes?

Holly said...

oh my gosh...that is HILARIOUS!!! Thanks for the laugh Ms. Avyri Belle!

Lynnell Fulkerson said...

She'll only hate you for this if you pull it out and show her first date. You have a sweet family. (I'm Laurel's mom)

The Martone Memories said...

That's pretty darn funny.

Heath 'n Jeri said...

This is great! How would it be to sleep ANYWHERE? :)