The Petersen Herd

The Petersen Herd

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Everything's Bigger

The little man just keeps on growing even though I've asked him to stop. His humongous teeth keep coming too which has made him a little bit cranky. Still, he's usually quick to smile for Mom and has also developed quite the love for cuddling with Daddy (which Daddy doesn't mind at all).
He also has a love of climbing and is so very proud of himself when he reaches great heights. He still looks like such a baby to me but I can't believe how big he's getting and we just pulled out the 2T clothing so my long boy is definitely growing.
Not only does he climb on things but into things. This morning he was laying on the floor with his head in a small basket and when I tried to pull him out he yelled at me and climbed back in. He's pretty independent and loves to "do puzzles". He also likes to sneak around in the morning waking people up and he loves the dogs.


Heath 'n Jeri said...

I think that he has grown so much, even from Thanksgiving. It must be the 2T clothes. Makes him look like a little boy instead of a baby.

Jason and Michele said...

Girl, in every picture you post on here, that dang wood floor is GLEAM
ING!!! How on earth do you do it?? I've had them....they're definitely not easy to keep up!